Monday 9 May 2011


Below are the issues we planned to address in our second group meeting present at this meeting is Viana and I.


. Story boards
. Roles
. Characters
. Synopsis
. Location/ props + target audience


As a group will discuss all that will happen in our film and we right the ideas down. Moni jots down the ideas and the information which we will use in our title opening sequence.
we also dicussed the editing techqnics that will use such us a cut,cross dissolve etc...

we also watched saw the title opening sequences which showed us all diffrent shots and camera angles to use in order to creat more excitment and suspense for the audience. we also decided on what location we will use for out title opening sequence.


A title sequence is the method by which films or television programs present their title, key production and cast members, or both, making use of conceptual visuals and sound. It usually follows but should not be confused with the opening credits, which are generally nothing more than a series of overlaying text.
Many films have used unusual and fairly elaborate title sequences since the 1930s. In the 1936 Show Boat little cut-out figures on a revolving turn able carried overhead banners on which were displayed the opening credits This opening sequence was designed by John Harkrider, who created the costumes for the original 1927 Broadway production of the musical.
In several films, the opening credits have appeared against a background of (sometimes moving) clouds. These include The Wizard of Oz (1939), Till the Clouds Roll By (1946), the David Lean Oliver Twist (1948), and the 1961 King of Kings.
In the 1947 Technicolor film Sinbad the Sailor, the letters of the opening credits seem to form from colored water gushing into a fountain.

In the 1959 Ben-Hur, the opening credits were seen against the background of the "Creation of Man" in Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling. As the credits progressed, the camera slowly zoomed in on the Hand of God outstretched toward Adam.
This is the opening sequence of the movie panic room, this is a sure example of mistaking the opening sequence with the opening credits as the credits is showing as the creditrs is also being showed.
the sequence is showing the audience where the movie is sett, giving them an idea of the area the movie is based on or happening at.

.........HITCHCOCK SUMMARY.........

STEP 1: the Mind of the Audience
This means that the mood and atmosphere needs to be set for the audience so that they  feel the full effect being performed by the characters within the film.

STEP 2: Frame for Emotion
This means that the audience is able to become emotionally involved with the piece of film they are being shown therefore the lighting, camera shots and angle must be right in order to show the emotion of each character within each scene.

STEP 3: Camera is Not a Camera
This means that the audience should be able to feel and empathise with wats going on in sequence through the eyes of the each character performing.

STEP 4: Dialogue Means Nothing
this means telling a story without the characters saying what the story is supposed to be but by creating an image in the mind of the audience which would leave room for surprises.

STEP 5: Point of View Editing
this is creating a idea in the characters head without explaining in dialogue using point-of-view shot sequence.

STEP 6: Montage Gives You Control
this means being able to create and build up the suspense of a story by putting together close-ups of different parts within the audio/visual product in order to create a more dramatic effect for the audience.

STEP 7: Keep the Story Simple!
this means being able to both create a strong story whilst also being able to control the story/idea in making sure that the storyline is both not too confusing but isn't also too boring for the audience.

STEP 8: Characters Must Break Cliche
this means audience become intrigued by the audio/visual product by creating new stereotypical characteristics of the characters within the film.

STEP 9: Use Humor to Add Tension
this means by adding a sense of humor to a thriller u are able to create a different type of unexpected tension within the film. For example, "In Marnie, Tippi Hedren is stealing money from an office safe and is just about to leave when she notices the maid happens to be cleaning in the next room".

STEP 10: Two Things Happening at Once
This involves building tension into a scene by using contrasting situations

STEP 11: Suspense is Information
This means enabling the characters to create suspense by showing the audience a scene which presents a suspense story and enabling the audience to create an idea of the ending of the film. Although whilst doing this the characters need to carry on as if they don't know about the suspense scenes that have occurred whilst they've been off stage. “The essential fact is to get real suspense you must let the audience have information." --Alfred Hitchcock

STEP 12: Surprise and Twist
this means being able to create a storyline for the audience to follow but then turn their ideas upside down in order to create a dramatic effect.

STEP 13: Warning: May Cause MacGuffin

The purpose of MacGuffin is to serve a pivotal reason for the suspense to occur.This means making sure that the storyline makes sense to the audience in order to create the best possible dramatic effects

Wednesday 1 December 2010


First idea

A thriller based on teeangers going camping into a dark woods and all getting killed one by one
but one survives. they get killed by anthore teenager who was not able to fit in with the rest so he decides to take revenge.

Seconde idea
is a romatic thriller where a woman has been engaged with her fiance for 5 years and they have not been able to get married. he constantly cheats on her so when she finds out she kills each woman one by one eventually she turns into a serial killer.

Third idea
the third idea we had we thought we would use a woman running away from something?someone and she scoverd in blood. she has lost her baby and she is not mentally stable.

as a group whe have decided on idea number three we have all signded a contract statign that we will attended each group meetings we will update frequently to see which pages eachorther are on present at this meeting is Viana, Jasmine and i.



Character Location
The clips chosen for this title opening sequence show the narrative/plot based around one particular character that has believes of god and mythological believes. We as an audience are also shown the razor blades and the imagery of surgical practice when we see the stitching on the man’s head. The theme we are shown in these opening clips is based around both belief of God and also a puzzling theme when we see the elements of crosswords towards the ending of the sequence.
These things are used in order to build a story within the viewers head in order to make sure that the audience becomes interacted and wants to find out what is going to happen throughout the film and the possible twist and turns which they could predict or think are unexpected. Also the imagery shown to present the theme of this title opening sequence shows the distinctive difference between this theme (Thriller) and other themes.
The clips shown within this short sequence suggests that the film is categorised as a Thriller. This is shown constantly by the red wash that could suggest scenes of danger or blood. Also showing the clips of razor blades suggest scenes of violence/danger.
By using these particular scenes the audience is able to immediately recognise what type of film they are watching and also what type of elements within the film to expect. This therefore helps the audience because they will know not to expect romantic scenes and also scenes of horror.
The title opening sequence that I have been shown consists of many extreme close-ups on each part of action that occurs throughout the short sequence. There is also no movement such as panning within this piece because they want to keep their audience fixated on the important parts of information being shown.   
This type of camerawork is used in this sequence in order to capture the action and to make sure that the audience becomes captured within the short sequence. This is shown when the character starts to cross out words within the book in order to suggest a link towards a puzzle and how the film itself will unravel.
The title opening sequence for SE7EN has a constant low lighting perspective throughout each scene shown with some momentary colour washes of red displayed across the screen. We as the audience are also shown brief images of props used by the main character within this title opening sequence such as the razor blade and the sewing needle.  Throughout this particular opening sequence the audience is shown brief glimpses of text we shows information about the actors or other important information that the viewer may or may not be interested in knowing. The font used for these brief titles both small but also looks as though someone has either scratched it or somebody has painted it onto the screen.
This limited usage of increase lighting effects is done in order to make sure that the audience both knows and can acknowledge what genre this particular film will fit under. Also by doing this they managed to keep the audience’s attention on the title sequence because this lighting and lack of movement creates more dramatic tension between the viewer and the opening sequence itself.  These title effects and the font they have decided to use for this particular title opening sequence again adds to the dramatic effects of the music and imagery being shown to the audience throughout. Also the props being shown such as the razor blade could symbolise with the text in that this character could be perhaps scraping the font off or trying to remove it.
Although there is a particular soundtrack being played throughout the title opening sequence the dramatic effects of this music do not take effect until half way through the sequence when the music starts to intensify by both increasing in pace and increasing in volume. 
This effect has been implemented into the opening sequence because these few moments will be the first thing the audience sees and therefore the makers of this film will want to build up a dramatic relationship between the viewer and the film. This particular piece of music has been used because the end of the track we managed to hear of a piece of vocals which is linked to the actions shown by the main character (cutting out the word God) and the lyrics we manage to hear are “Brings Me Closer To God”.  Therefore by making sure that the audience hears this piece of the soundtrack could have a significance to the story they are about to see unravel before their eyes.
This particular title opening sequence has a mixture of video transitions because towards the start of this piece the first image cuts straight onto the next image that we are shown but we are also shown some usage of a dissolving transition between frames.  This change of effect continues throughout the sequence changing each time whilst showing different parts of the action.
These particular video transitions used within this clip allow the audience to see what is occurring and start to possibly link these together to create a story of the film they are about to see. Also these transitions allow the audience to become more interacted with the title opening sequence due to the tension being created by these video transitions because they’re being thrown from one image then slowly shown another and this cycle continues throughout the momentary clips being shown.

Monday 29 November 2010


This is the story board of our preleminary task, this is what we have to put into film


This is a Long Shot

This is Medium Close UP

Canted Angle

Low Angle

Birds Eye View